The Surprising Benefits of Family Photos

framed family photos on gallery wall

Nowadays, family photos are snapped on cellphones and uploaded straight to social media. While it is nice to be able to share these photos online with relatives and friends, you may be missing out on the benefits that come with having family photos framed and on display in your home and office.

The Importance of Framing Family Photos & Putting Them On Display

There are actually several reasons why you should frame family photos and put them up around your home or office. Other than showing off your beautiful family for everyone to see, there are therapeutic and mental health benefits to having family photos on display.


Decrease Loneliness

If a family member or spouse is no longer around or far away, you may feel lonely at times. Not only can loneliness leave people feeling sad and depressed, but loneliness can also lead to physical health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, cognitive decline, obesity, and a weakened immune system.1 Having a framed wedding photo or a family portrait of your loved ones always in sight can help bridge the physical distance and make you feel less alone.


Remembering Lost Loved Ones

It is not easy when you lose a family member, but a good way to commemorate their memory is with a portrait of them or framed family heirlooms proudly on display in your home. Although are no longer with you physically, seeing their picture or their most cherished items every day is a good reminder that they are still with you in spirit. Pictures of family members can also help carry on their legacies. Even if your children were never able to meet certain family members, they may come to recognize and learn about their great-grandparents through their pictures.


Reduce Stress

One of the more surprising benefits of family photos is that they can help reduce stress. Recent studies suggest that looking at a photo of a loved one during a time of anxiety is just as effective for decreasing symptoms of stress as having the loved one in the same room.2 Having photos of your loved ones around the house may help you feel more calm during times of chaos. Having custom framed pictures of your spouse or children around may especially help at work when you begin to feel stressed or overwhelmed.


Boost Kids’ Self-Esteem

Along with the mental health benefits of family photos for you, research suggests that having your child’s photos on display around the house can help their self-esteem and boost their confidence.3 These pictures are a constant reminder to your child that they are important, safe, and loved. It is best to have these photos throughout the house including in your child’s room.


Having framed family photos around your house is more than just decoration. With these pictures on display, you could also be helping your family’s mental health. At Rosenbaum Framing, we are here to help you get your family’s photos hung on your walls. Our picture framing services in Boca Raton include the advice of experienced framing consultants who can help you find the best framing solutions for all of your favorite photos so that you can admire them and reap the benefits of their presence on your walls for many years to come.



  1. NIH – Social isolation, loneliness in older people pose health risks
  2. Good News Network – Thinking About Loved Ones is Just as Effective for Reducing Stress and Blood Pressure as Having Them in the Room
  3. The Baltimore Sun – Kids’ self-esteem can be enhanced by photographs
Stacey Moss

Author: Stacey Moss

Stacey Moss is a trained artist who has been custom framing for more than 27 years. She excels at finding the perfect moulding to complement whatever is being framed, and she treats every piece she frames as though it were a priceless piece of fine art. If it's valuable to our client, it's valuable to her.