When you cannot be together in person, you can still make your loved one in a nursing home feel special and be together in spirit.
Good Gifts for Someone in a Nursing Home
Sending a gift to loved ones in nursing homes can put big smiles on their faces and make their day. It reminds them that although they cannot see you in person, you are still thinking of them, and for the elderly, this can mean everything.
While some foods can be problematic because of dietary restrictions, valuables can get lost, and other items take up too much space in a room, the following gift ideas for people in nursing homes are sure to please.
Family Photos
The best gifts for nursing home residents are those
that remind them of their families. Your loved ones may be feeling isolated. Framed family photos take up little room and are a good reminder that they are still loved and remembered. Send them plenty so they can fill up their walls and have daily reminders of family.
Mementos from their Past
Some of the best gift ideas for older people are mementos from their past. If they are starting to become forgetful, sentimental items from their past can help jog their memories and remind them of the good old days. Framing these mementos ensures that they are protected and can later become well-preserved family heirlooms that can be passed down to other family members.
Framed Artwork from Grandkids
Out of everyone they love, your loved ones are probably missing their grandchildren the most. A good gift for nursing home residents is artwork from their grandkids. Have your kids draw pictures of themselves with Grandma or Grandpa, but before you send those drawings off, get them framed. Framing them will ensure that they stay in great condition for many years to come so your loved ones can always admire them. Our art framers in Boca Raton can help you create a perfect frame to enhance your child’s masterpieces.
Wedding Photos & Memorabilia
If they have lost a spouse, framed wedding photos can be a nice reminder of someone’s time with their partner. You can also frame mementos from their wedding to make the gift extra special and to help preserve the items for posterity.
Sports Memorabilia
If your loved ones are huge sports fans, help them show off their love for their favorite team. You could send them a hat or jersey with their team’s logo that they can wear proudly around the nursing home. But you could also go one step further. Find something signed by one of their favorite athletes, and get it framed. Our sport memorabilia framing can help you find the perfect frame so your loved one can display this memento proudly in their room.
These gifts for nursing home residents are only a starting point to think about. You know your loved ones better than we do and know what they like and care about. If you need help framing anything to be sent to a nursing home, we are here. Rosenbaum Framing has been a proud member of the Boca Raton community for more than 40 years, and we want to help you make your loved one feel special.