Rosenbaum Framing

Tell Your College Story with a Framed Collage

If pictures are worth a thousand words, think of all the things that could be conveyed through a framed collage. Whether you’re telling a story all about a sequence of events or different photos of you all throughout college, you can share the story of your college years through a framed collage. The art framers at Rosenbaum Framing share how you can tell amazing stories with collages.

The history of collage art goes back to the 20th century, when Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso coined the term, as it became a distinctive part of modern art. Even though collages came from a different time long ago, the transformation of fragments into a whole that take on a greater meaning than the individual parts have stayed true throughout the years.

Collages can tell a complete story, and they show more than simply scrapbooking and memory-keeping. There are many ways you can make collages, and the stories you decide to portray about your college years can be abstract, or apparent. Just like your beautiful custom diploma framing, your collage is for you to look at. You can be creative as you want to be when it comes to making your collage, and you can finish off with a custom framing job by Rosenbaum Framing to make it complete.

To start your collage, sort through different magazines and photographs that you’ve taken throughout your college years to find inspiration to tell your story. If you vividly remember the times when all your friends came to your dorm room on campus and you all did your nails or played cards with the most popular reality television shows playing in the background of the common area, you can search for different photos of reality tv, nail polish, playing cards, and laughing friends in magazines. Go through the photos in your smartphone and on all your old social media profiles to find pictures that you or your friends have taken so you can print out and include them in your framed collage.

Your college stories can easily turn into art, depending on how creative you are. There are so many different images you can use to tell the story about your college years, and Rosenbaum Framing is here to seal the deal with beautiful custom framing for your finished product.

You can preserve all your memories with Rosenbaum Framing. Whether you’re searching for custom framing to frame a college, or if you’re looking for quality diploma framing, you can count on the professionals at Rosenbaum Framing. With over 40 years of experience with fine art and unique framing projects, your pieces are in good hands. Contact us today to get started on your framing project.