Rosenbaum Framing

Display Your Summer Vacation Photos

Summer is coming to a close. Labor Day is around the corner, and the kids will be going back to school soon. Although your family vacation may have already passed, you most likely have plenty of summer vacation photos to remind you of those good times. Summer vacation photo albums and vacation photo books that you physically flip through are a thing of the past. While it is tempting to just share your photos through your social media accounts, with 300 million photo uploads on Facebook in one day,1 they will quickly be forgotten, if they are even seen at all. Instead of dumping all of those photos onto Facebook and Instagram where they will inevitably get lost in digital space, we have a few ideas to help you display your summer vacation photos proudly for you and your loved ones to see for many years to come.

Ideas to Display Your Summer Vacation Photos

Rosenbaum Framing is a custom framing shop in Boca that specializes in preserving family memories like yours, so we are sharing some of our favorite ideas to commemorate your summer vacation photos.

  1. Pick Your Favorite Family Photo. Instead of a family vacation photo album that will sit on your shelf collecting dust, choose your favorite picture and go from there. If you have one family photo that really stands out, there are plenty of options to display that one photograph proudly. From printing photos on acrylic to matting and framing in a perfect custom frame, the options are endless.
  2. Display a Landscape Photo. If your family photos are less than perfect, that is okay; you can still preserve your summer vacation photos even if no one is in them. Instead, frame your most outstanding shot of the Grand Canyon or the sun setting on the beach with our fine art framing and display it in your home. Guests will oooh and ahh over the professional-looking framed photograph that you took yourself.
  3. Arrange a Gallery Wall of Photos. If you simply cannot pick just one photo from your trip, display all of your favorites. Choose three to five photos and have them all framed in similar custom frames. You can then hang them together on a wall in your home to create a whole display.
  4. Create a Shadow Box of Memories. During your summer vacation, you probably collected more than just photography. You may have plenty of souvenirs as well, including plane tickets, event tickets, tour books, knickknacks, and even beach sand or seashells. A shadowbox allows you to display these items alongside your favorite summer vacation photos. With a little help from our South Florida expert framers, you can convert your summer vacation into a neat little display that will bring the good memories flooding back every time you look at it!

If you are still a little unsure where to begin, that’s okay. At Rosenbaum Framing, we are here to help. Luckily, with our custom framing in Boca Raton, we will help you decide the best way to display those summer vacation photos so that they will last as long as the wonderful memories that go with them.


  1. Gizmodo – What Facebook Deals with Everyday: 2.7 Billion Likes, 300 Million Photos Uploaded and 500 Terabytes of Data