Rosenbaum Framing

The Benefits of Custom Framing Near Delray Beach, FL

From artwork and photos to degrees, certificates and diplomas, a variety of memorable pieces are worthy of framing for display as well as preservation. A quality frame showcases your item and helps it stand out while protecting it for posterity, so you should never settle for a generic frame or framing done by anyone other than a framing professional. Custom framing near Delray Beach, FL, has its benefits and is definitely worth considering for your cherished piece. Proper frame selection and quality framing are what take an already attractive piece to a whole new level, incorporating it with your décor and giving it the attention and care it deserves.

Expert Advice

Your frame selection options are sure to be limited in colors, finishes, styles, and framing materials in big-box arts and crafts stores. However, an expert framer can offer and guide you to numerous frame options, taking into consideration your item, adjacent pieces on display, style preferences, décor and budget. If you are unsure of what type of framing would be ideal, the expertise of a professional framer will help you navigate the decision-making process and provide valuable advice rooted in experience. They will advise you on moulding, matting and glazing choices to provide the best possible presentation and protection for your item.

Saved Time

Frame selection and the actual process of framing your piece can be time consuming and overwhelming, especially if you have multiple pieces to frame or have to hunt  through several stores on a quest to find the perfect frame. When you choose custom framing near Delray Beach, the selection and framing process will be streamlined; you simply consult with our experts to make your framing choices and leave your item with us. We do the rest with the highest level of quality craftsmanship, then call you when your piece is ready for pick up.

Assured Protection

Attempting to frame something when you have never done it before can be a daunting task that can damage your prized, often irreplaceable, possessions. You need to be certain that the piece is not going to be damaged during the mounting, matting, and framing processes. Even the slightest mistake can be disastrous. With custom framing professionals, you know your art or other items are in good hands and will be properly framed and preserved. Professional framers are invested in the long term well-being of your items. They use quality materials and the optimal mat and glass selections to make sure your piece does not get damp or exposed UV rays over time, which can result in irreversible deterioration and damage.

Anyone requiring custom framing near Delray Beach, FL, should contact Rosenbaum Framing for expert framing advice and options. With more than 40 years of framing experience, Rosenbaum will ensure you are beyond satisfied with the final product. Call us today to discuss your specific framing needs.