Rosenbaum Framing

September is Save Your Photos Month 2020

This September is Save Your Photos Month. This national month of observation is a reminder that a picture is worth a thousand words and photos are irreplaceable.


As providers of picture framing in Boca Raton, we know just how important your photos can be for you and your loved ones. They are memories frozen in time that you can always look back on fondly. Unfortunately, these photos can also be destroyed, lost, or forgotten if not taken care of properly.

Why Celebrate Save Your Photos Month 2020

Because 2020 has been a more challenging year than most; now, more than ever, is a good time to take advantage of this holiday.


Pass the Time

Although some coronavirus restrictions have been loosened, social distancing is still in effect and some places are still closed. You are probably still spending a good bit of time at home. Instead of rewatching your favorite show for the fourth time since quarantine, take the time to comb through your photos. Pull out your favorites and get custom framing to put them proudly on display.


Lost in the Cloud

Living in the digital age, people take plenty of pictures on their phones. Instead of making photo books or framing these images, they often get automatically uploaded to the cloud and never seen again. Now that you have time, take the time to thumb through these photos. Back up the images and select your favorites to print and frame.


Walk Down Memory Lane

2020 has been a trying year for everyone. Looking back at your old pictures can help remind you of better days. The family photos from your last vacation may bring a smile to your face, and pictures of loved ones can fill you with warm memories of your time spent with them. Overall, this walk down memory lane could be the therapeutic boost you need.


Give A Gift

Photos make heartfelt and meaningful gifts, especially when you cannot see someone in person. Instead of just using Save Your Photos Month to preserve images for yourself, think of other special people in your life who would enjoy these pictures. A good gift for someone in a nursing home may be a framed photo of family members that they haven’t been able to see since lockdown. Siblings that now live far apart might enjoy old family photos framed and delivered to their door.



Because you are spending so much time at home, now is a good time to redecorate or work on home improvement projects. One such project may be finding new frames for the images you already have on display to upgrade your home’s look. Another project could be replacing broken glass or getting picture frame restoration services to finally be able to get that photo you love back on the wall in your home.


The last thing you want is for something to happen to these photos and for them to be lost forever, so take advantage of Save Your Photos Month 2020. At Rosenbaum Framing, we are here to help you with all your framing needs so that your photos and the memories that come with them can last.