Rosenbaum Framing

Rustic Frames for Fall

There’s just something about rustic frames and rustic wall décor that create a cozy feeling upon entering a room, especially during the fall season. Whether you’re displaying custom-framed art on the walls in your family room or one big statement piece in the dining room, Rosenbaum Framing near Fort Lauderdale can put the rustic in your rooms. Below are some rustic wall décor ideas you can incorporate into your home this fall.


Family Photos

If you’re looking for picture framing in volume that follows the wooden, rustic theme, you can create a family photo collage using distressed wood mouldings for the framing. Nothing gives your home a unique sense of personality like family photos can. Black and white or sepia photos look fantastic in rustic frames, especially if the frame is whitewashed.


Wall Mirrors

Mirrors add depth to a room, but sometimes they just don’t fit properly. Mirrors encased in weathered, rustic-looking frames that are hung on the walls can create the look of well-worn and simple elegance. Natural wood, whitewashed wood, and even distressed wood frames pair perfectly with any sized mirror.

The experts at Rosenbaum Framing, a reputable frame shop for custom art framing in South Florida, have a wide range of mouldings, including rustic frames for your rustic wall décor. Contact the professionals at Rosenbaum today to start decorating for your favorite season: fall, of course!